Paramount Pictures Corporation terminates YouTube account Stuart Ellis
Info: TF News search
Just a few days ago, lots of us saw three on set videos from the set of Terminator: Genesis, shot at their New Orleans location. Things explode, then explode some more, than some more explosions. Whoopidoo.
Apparently these three boring explosion videos were very important to some studio folks, because they have since disappeared from the net (or at least from YouTube), and the YouTube account of the perpetrator had been, pardon the pun, terminated. It even says so within the YouTube message.
YouTube account stuart ellis has been terminated because we received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:
Paramount PIctures Corporation
YouTube user stuart ellis was on set, or actually just about off set... capturing some old school SFX with explosions, gunfire and assorted mayhem.
Terminator Genesis set videos, anyone?
If anyone has salvaged this footage, for instance via a YouTube downloader, or by other means... or knows where the video is hosted on other servers, please let us know in the comments below, or feel free to contact us.
TF remark
Its of course not funny when your own YouTube account is terminated. We wouldn't want that to happen to our own accounts, nor would any of you. That was not the reason we reported on this.
We DID find it a funny coincidence that YouTube chooses to use the word 'terminated' in the sentence. Of course its just a word... but for us Terminator fans it means a whole lot more ;). What does it mean to you yourself?
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