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Contribute to TerminatorFiles

Contribute to TerminatorFiles

Main info

People often ask us about how to contribute to the site, where to help out, etc. Some are interested in adding their own stuff, others found errors in the site and/or have other contributions that broaden our already existing sections, let alone expand into new ones. Eager for in-depth info... we want to add more and more to our ever expanding site.

Although our agendas are somewhat full with lots of interesting (private) projects, there are still lots of great ideas that even we haven't thought of. This is where you possibly come in.

What you can do

The following is a list of information and links that will help you to better help us by sharing your talents at TerminatorFiles. Its our way to ask for any interested party to add to our site, helping to build an overall better online experience for the entire Terminator fan community.

  • Writing editorials, articles and news
    If you have a topic that you believe should be covered but isn't currently on our site, feel free to write a editorial, article or newsitem on it! You will get full credit for your writings, and there is a little tutorial below that will help get you started and format it to the style used on the site.

    Got eager fingers and interested in a typing course? We've done this ourselfs on many occasions: type over that interesting article you read in some magazine, about the Terminator movies, cast, special effects or whatever else that has to do with the saga. Not interested in typing? Then scan the article, send it in and we'll do it for you. We'll then also be able to add the images feature in the article.

  • Creating graphics
    There can never be too many TerminatorFiles 'link to us' graphics, Terminator buddy icons, smilies, etc. Click here for more information on how you can use your graphical talents to help make this site more fun and pixelated!

    Got your own great desktop or other cool graphic that is very special, but you have no place to host it without to many banners, popups and other advertising hassles? Want to share it with the greater fan community? Be sure to send it in!

  • Add your own FanProject
    We opened up special fan-oriented pages called FanProjects, where everybody can share their own homemade Terminator products, ideas, 3D or real life modelling, kitbashes, paintings, drawings, (modded) games, scriptwritings... to name a few. Anything related to the Terminator saga!

    We'll provide you with a page to present your private Terminator related project and help promote it towards the fan community, with added images, videos and more. We are open to any original idea and want to help you (and ourself) towards more interesting stuff for the entire fan community to enjoy. Contact us for info!

  • Link to our site and/or spread the word
    According to many searchengine optimisation (SEO) reports, books and services that our STAFFmaster Vic sifted through as workrelated subject matter, its very important to be linked by sites, when trying to rank high in the searchengines. Sometimes this is even more important then the coding of the site itself (which is already optimised very well). And most important, quality links do the trick.

    Got a Terminator related website or page? Got something you yourself have talked about on forums, blogs or whatever else that is related to the saga? Then you could add us to that site/source?! Best of all... you are linking towards to nr.1 place to be when its something about the Terminator, right ;). Check here for more information on linking to us!

    Not that active on the internet (what are you doing here reading this info?! ;), but very interested in sharing this great site with others? Then spread the word amongst friends, family, (online) buddies, your local disco/pub/cafe or to total strangers you bumped into on the streets. Our site is open 24/7 for any and all new visitors!

  • Contribute on our forums
    Every day numerous topics ranging from collectibles to videos to timetravel to all things Terminator are posted on our forums and answered by the helpful fans from around the world. We are sure they wouldn't mind some extra fingers typing up some extra feedback! Join our forum and talk away on lots of Terminator topics, get inside info that is not featured on this site or add your own!

  • Pointing out errors
    Tattling does pay off! In a site as large as, random errors, broken image links, spelling errors (we are Dutch), and various other inconsistencies could go unnoticed by our team of extremely trained grammar/spelling Terminators. We appreciate you pointing them out to us, and we won't be offended either! It's a win-win situation for all of us. Be sure to refer to the right section and send in those typos, hickups or other errors (fatal server hangs included ;).

Writing tutorial

This little tutorial guide should, hopefully, provide a good framework for how your Terminator editorial, article or newsitem should be structured, etc. We'll provide some little hints on how to write your own stuff. The better you prepare your writings, the faster we can include it onto our site for all to enjoy.

Not all editorials, articles or newsitems get accepted, so don't feel bad if your misses the cut. Keep trying - never give up. We try to be fair, and if wanted we will offer you some short comments on how you can improve on it all.

  • Ensure your writing has a good introduction: If your introduction is interesting, readers will be more interested in reading further. There is no better way to lose your audience than to dull them in the first few lines.
  • Be sure to look for an interesting graphic that can fit our header at the top of each page in a minimal resolution of 375 pixels wide and 150 pixels high. Ensure that your images are crisp (not blurry) and do not contain irrelevant info (ie text on top of it... though we are very able in re-editting them).
  • If your are refering towards graphics in your writing, be sure to add a reference of them into the text (ie. [INSERT PIC 7 HERE]...) in between the text where it should be put.
  • If you include the images into Microsoft Word, be sure to keep the original size of those images as high as possible, so our team has better means to re-edit them into the online version of the document.
  • Feel free to elaborate, but don't write entire pages or paragraphs about something between the main text. Its better to explain the rationale behind some of the things at the end of the document (ie in an appendix). Readers who are really interested will definately follow up on it at the bottom of the article. This also improves the readability and structure of your document.
  • Don't forget to update your (nick)name and the date it was written at the beginning or the end of the document.

All editorials, articles and newsitems are copywrited to the original author. All coding on the page(s) is copyrighted to TerminatorFiles, external loaded coding included.

TerminatorFiles reserves the right to alter the text or graphics where it sees fit, including headers, added graphics, ads and other TerminatorFiles particular items. Please check our full disclaimer for more info.

Graphical creativity

If you are interested in contributing graphics to the TerminatorFiles sites and services to be displayed publically, here are a few basic guidelines to keep in check. We are open to anything, but try to keep to a high standard level of design (whatever that is, to our own discretion).

Link 2 Us banners/graphics

  • Though there is a official logo for the site, you are free to be as creative as possible! ;)
  • The design should be of good taste, and not offensive.
  • Try to keep the graphics compact in both filesize and dimensions.

AOL Buddy or other icons

  • The width and height of buddy icons are 48x48.
  • Icons can be all formats, but we prefer scaleable PNG or plain GIFs.
  • The file size limit used by AOL IM is about 7k. Try keep your graphics' size smaller than that.
  • Animated GIFs are preferred.
  • Keep the text, graphics, etc. appropriate.


  • Check our desktops section for the resolutions we provide.
  • Its best to keep your graphics off-center and/or to the right, because most people tend to place their icons to the left of the screen.
  • We've always kept a high standard when it comes to desktops, so produce something really special to be featured on our site! ;)

Header graphics (for articles or other sections)

  • The header graphic, which is featured throughout the site, is available in only one format: 375x150.
  • We like to have control over the imagery, so please include a graphic which at least is a bit bigger then that minimal size.
  • All images will fade out to black to their left hand side. This to fascilitate the general site design. Please check if the image can be faded out at the left side.
  • You can also include more header graphics and leave it up to us to decide.

Other graphics

  • Any graphic goes as long as it is not offensive... or at least to good taste.
  • Bigger is better! Our bandwidth is big... and our Media server still too empty.
  • Got entire collections of images to share, then be sure to zip them!
  • TerminatorFiles will decide if, where and when the images will be launched.

Contact us first through our online form. We prefer this method solely due to the fact that we've been spam-free since 2003 (which also rymes ;). We'll then contact you direct to talk about whatever you like to add to our site, if its been done already (under development by our team or another fan that came up with the idea) or anything else we want to talk about.

We are looking forward to any, every and all of your contributions!

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Page last modified: August 12, 2011 | 11:42:07