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“ The first, but not last, of our Terminator Weekly Reviews, delivering whats been said about Terminator stuff this past week. ”

Our new method of reporting on Terminator news?!

Terminator Weekly Review (28, 2010)

Sun 18 Jul 2010 | 18h13 GMT+1
Info: TF News search

We'd like to welcome you to our newest endeavor, a new method of reviewing articles that have been posted online. Not just rehashing all the articles we can get our hands on, but sifting through all our own news sources and delivering you some of the most interesting stuff.

As reported a few days ago, we had decided to delete our entire news archives. This way we could finally focus on stuff to be included into the fanportal, like for instance a DVD of Tokyo T4 museum images thats been sent to us by a fan more than a year ago (whoops... sorry!).

This very article is our new method of reporting on all news sources online that we think had something special to report. Sure... most are rehashes of themselfs, like for instance this week, at least 5 different news sites reporting on NetFlix featuring the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Imagine us having to report all 5 sites reporting about it? Nope... no more!

No more nitty gritty of just about anything... but just the facts and figures of the best Terminator related news contents. Soo... lets get to it and lets review this last week.

All posted links open a new tab/window.

GameLoft reduces prices on Terminator: Salvation mobile games

Date: 13 Jul 2010 || Source: Sent in by GameLoft

Looking for a new iPhone game? If so, you may want to check out some of Gameloft's offerings as they are offering several of their popular games for just 99 cents each.

This also includes Terminator: Salvation, which utilizes a third-person perspective and is packed with a wide-range of missions and gameplay. There should be hours of fun whilst hacking computers, destroying targets, shooting enemies and much much more, find out further info over at GameLoft.

Netflix lands more streaming rights to Warner Bros. TV shows

Date: 15 Jul 2010 || Source:

Netflix has announced that it has added new content from Warner Bros that includes rights to all 100 episodes of the series Nip/Tuck. Other series include Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

If you do not have the time or money to get the Terminator TV series on DVD, if you haven't taped them on your analog or digital (hard-disk) recorders, if you have no other means to view them... or, if you are just interested in checking out the cool Sarah Connor Chronicles again... hop on over to NetFlix and check their site to find out more when it 'aires online' ;).

Better Living Through Implants

Date: 16 Jul 2010 || Source:

Imagine if you could learn to fly a helicopter by downloading software directly to your brain. Imagine if your eyes could see an object, overlaid with data, miles away in the dark. These science-fiction scenes from The Matrix and Terminator movies may be less fictional in the future, thanks to the fascinating science behind medical implants.

Interdisciplinary teams of surgeons, researchers, engineers, and computer scientists are creating complex electronics designed to work within the human body to simulate human functions. Check for more info!

Michael Biehn and Kristanna Loken at Armageddon Expo

Date: 16 Jul 2010 || Source:

Both Michael Biehn and Kristanna Loken are announced to attend Auckland's Armageddon Expo. Stars of the 'The Terminator', 'T2: Judgment Day' (Special Edition) and 'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines' movies will attend the expo during its October 23rd to 25th venue.

Stars attending the Armageddon Expo are quite niche, but in case of Michael Biehn, its a star that played in two of the biggest sci-fi movies of all time, 'Aliens' and of course 'Terminator'.

The expo takes place in Auckland October 23 - 25, 2010. Check for more details on the expo, with possible additional news on the Terminator cast appearances!

New robot warplane capable of picking own prey

Date: 17 Jul 2010 || Source:

James Cameron's futuristic vision in the "Terminator" series of predator robots flying the skies took another step towards becoming reality this week, when the British military unveiled a top-secret long-range unmanned drone.

Called Taranis, after the Celtic god of thunder, the unmanned drone is capable of carrying out reconnaissance missions in other continents and has a long-range strike ability with a cache of bombs and missiles available.

And just like those "Hunter-Killer" robot jets in the "Terminator" series, the Taranis has been designed to use artificial intelligence that could potentially allow the drone to identify and attack enemy targets on its own.

Check for full article. Be sure to check out the front of the plane... since it looks somewhat like a logo we all know ;).

Unique movie and music memorabilia auctioned in LA

Date: 18 Jul 2010 || Source:

Heritage Auctions Galleries in Beverly Hills are holding a music and entertainment sale. Its reported that the sale takes place this weekend, but in our case the weekend just ended. Maybe the original article meant it starts this weekend and you'll have the option to grab the items this upcoming week.

The items range from lots of different items, but for Terminator movie fans its possible to get there hands on an original screen-featured T-800 Terminator arm, reportatly the only surviving piece of its kind from the two original full-sized Terminator robots created for the 1984 sci-fi film.

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