Announcement: Sorry. No updates until our new fansite launches!
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“ A total of 518 news articles and potential fan inclusions to go through. That's a lot of work... but we totally love it! ”

We are Terminator fans... which is what this site is all about ;).

What is the most important upcoming stuff?

Wed 26 May 2010 | 20h36 GMT+1
Info: TF News search

So... we finally launched this little new version of our beloved Terminator fan site. People now wonder what we have in store for you fine Terminator fans out there. Well... we have not been sitting on our bums (though sometimes being bummed out for all the months of programming) and have some very special stuff for all of you that stuck with us (as well as any new visitor, you are welcome too ;).

Not being able to update the old site was somewhat a drag, to say the least. Sure, the new site was not available for over 8 months, so a few more months would not have mattered... and then we could have launched it fully complete with all the new stuff.

Well... we were somewhat anxious to get it launched, and this past weekend, we (or I) decided to just do it. The new stuff will be included in a slow but steady pace. Which also leaves us plenty to do, for the time being, and you to come back for your daily doze of Terminator stuff.

So... what's that 'most important stuff' then?!

Its YOUR stuff! Though the new site was under development, the fans did not sit still either and kept emailing us with all their own contributions. This article is for all you folks out there that kept us in the loop! Thanx for any and all of your contributions!

You have been contacted when you sent in your stuff, and in order of date, will be contacted again to talk about your fan stuff. Get ready for a blast; from the past and into the future with new Terminator related articles, news and best of all... fan contributions!

We checked out all the sources we use for our news, articles and fans emails... and this is what we have come up with of possible new stuff to be included. Sit right back and check the list:

  • 1.019 files of possible new content (a whopping 6.71 GB!)
  • 273 news alerts of approx. 15 each, makes 4.095 potential articles!
  • 228 emails sent in by the fans (still in my in-box :)
  • 17 FanProjects that were awaiting launch (even at old site)
  • Old archive tweaks of all our content (still to be done)

Wow! That's a lot! Especially the potential articles from the alerts we receive, though we will probably not post all 4.095 of them ;). We WILL sift through all of them and leave the best for re-inclusion into our archives (which we will report about when some of them are done, probably per month of a specific year).

By the fans... for the fans!

Its the fans around the world that make up the saga. Its their love (as well as ours) that makes this very fan site possible. So... their content will be added as soon as possible. And to lift the veil, it stuff like;

  • New 3D models created in cool programs, that some are willing to give away for free (jippie!)
  • FanProjects about new videos being produced (one even about a full movie which features past actors from the Terminator movies themselves, cool!)
  • Fan drawings
  • Special about SFX
  • How-to's for miniature building, kits and modelling
  • New music made by fans, from Techno to Rock
  • ... and what not more I am sorry to report I can't remember (though we fully value anyones addition... but simply had other things on our minds ;)

This will take some time to be added... so stick around for lots to be released over the next year, or even into 2011.

And the normal news will be added, as usual

Of course we will still provide some news from around the world. We are however thinking of doing this different from now on, and that is to post it as links to the articles on-line, leave them be for the moment, and than decide if we will archive them on our own site.

This way we can focus on more important stuff, and that is the full world of the saga itself, and especially fans contributions.

So, without further a due... lets get to it!

Vic 'TF' van der Put

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