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“ In total the score will be finished with near 50 mins of intense and music being composed to cover a 2:25 min film. ”

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Terminator: Years of Darkness Score

Sat 6 Dec 2003 | 20h41 GMT+1

New fanmade Terminator music has hit the net! Rossbond tells on the official T3 Forum: Please do not use or edit this music in anyway a lot of HARD effort has gone into the following compositions. The music is being composed for me by Andy Barnes based on London, U.K.

Here is a discription of the tracks and where they go in the story or what is happening in the scene in question.

  • Tunnel 17
    Played over a Silverfish Ambush in Tunnel 17 under the remains of LAX.

  • Two Years of Winter
    Played over the first two year leap forward in my script. Also when John and Kate concieve their children.

  • John Connor
    Played over one of Johns' more contentemplative moments.

  • Mall Elevator
    Played after the Montclair Mall track.

  • Montclair Mall
    The machines attack just hours after Judgment day in and around the Montclair Mall in California.

The score is a mixture of music. From the keening "Winter Theme" above to full out music very much similar to The Terminators score. As more tracks are completed we will have them and the script available for download at my website starting on Dec. the 25th.

In total the score will be finished with near 50 mins of intense and music being composed to cover a 2:25 min film.

We both hope you enjoy this taste of the Terminator: Years of Darkness score.

Ross and Andy

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