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“ To make it a truly first-class DVD, with the levels of complexity that are on the T2 Ultimate Edition, takes a long time ”


Bigger Terminator 3 DVD contents?!

Wed 3 Sep 2003 | 19h05 GMT+1

Johnathan Mostow revealed to Empire Magazine: "To make it a truly first-class DVD, with the levels of complexity that are on the T2 Ultimate Edition, takes a long time. You can't get it ready in the few months we have before [the first DVD release] has to be done."

And you thought the decision between buying the first Two Towers DVD or waiting for the extended edition was a stumper. According to Terminator 3 director Jonathan Mostow, the film will follow in its predecessors' footsteps with a series of progressively more impressive DVD releases before a final 'Ultimate Edition.'

Talking to Empire, Mostow explained his decision as one prompted by the wish to produce the best DVD possible rather than, as it first seems, an attempt to milk the cash cow for all it's worth. "To make it a truly first-class DVD, with the levels of complexity that are on the T2 Ultimate Edition, takes a long time. You can't get it ready in the few months we have before [the first DVD release] has to be done."

Mostow has really put the effort in, drafting key members of the T3 production to talk about elements of production not usually touched upon, "really specific, cool, nuts and bolts stuff." The director is also squeezing in a number of interesting featurettes explaining why, among other things, all the Terminators look and sound like a certain Austrian bodybuilder. The first DVD release may not be 'ultimate' but it sounds like a must have to us.

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