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“ A slapdash smattering of shots including the new Terminatrix leads to the appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger's good ol' T-800. ”

BoxOfficeMojo reviews all T3 trailers and advertising

Super Bowl review

Sun 2 Feb 2003 | 00h00 GMT+1

BoxOfficeMojo reviewed all the trailers and advertsing that past during the Super Bowl marketing campaing. This is what they had to say about T3:

"Warner Bros. ran the gamut in marketing quality -- first with the spectacular Matrix spot and then with this one -- an afterthought to the cheesy Terminator-themed intro ABC produced for the game.

On its own, it was a clunky, forgettable glimpse at the return of the Machines. A slapdash smattering of shots including the new Terminatrix leads to the appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger's good ol' T-800.

However, no compelling effort is made to sell the movie on its own merits, not even a hint of the premise nor an explanation as to how the Machines rise after the seeming finality of T2. There aren't even any one-liners from Schwarzenegger, a Terminator trademark.

It just rests on the laurels of the brand name alone, and that could mean significantly fewer tickets sold than T2."

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