Latest Terminator news
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Latest additions
News added to our 2014 news archives... in reverse order, with latest on top.
J.K. Simmons talks Terminator: Genesis (video) (Jun 14)
Total Film interviewed J.K. Simmons at Cannes 2014 and he has some
info on Terminator: Genesis. Funny script?
Aged Terminator a fact?! More inconsistencies!? (May 30)
If the call-sheet didn't give you enough food-for-thought, the latest
set images will! Older Arnie? Inconstant timeline characters?!
The leaked vids and that call-sheet thingie (May 29)
Is Paramount Pictures being too tight-lipped about the filming
of Terminator: Genesis, or is it a good thing?!
Terminator vs. Robocop - EP1 Extended Cut (May 24)
Remember the fabulous AMDS fanmade T vs. R trilogy? Well...
Episode 1 has a remake of three additional minutes!
Paramount terminates YouTube account Stuart Ellis (May 24)
The three leaked videos from a New Orleans set have been removed
from YouTube and its user account has been terminated.
J.K. Simmons Talks Terminator: Genesis (May 23)
J.K. Simmons, sat down for an interview with Empire and talks
about the Terminator: Genesis film.
T5: Genesis labelled as 'stand-alone' (May 23)
Genesis is the first in a stand-alone trilogy. A rebooted movie
other than a continuation of past movies.
First picture of Arnold on the set of T5:G (May 15)
The first picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of Alan
Taylor's Terminator: Genesis has risen.
UN debating banning killer robots (May 12)
UN is set to hold a conference that will debate whether to ban
the use of lethal autonomous killer robots.
T5's T-800 killing machine?! (May 2)
Body builder Aaron Williamson posted on Facebook that he will
be playing a T-800 Terminator.
Contribute your stuff
Got something special that definitely needs to be reported, or promoted amongst die-hard Terminator fans? Then be sure to contact us... for review and/or direct inclusion into the 'files'!
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Archives slowly reintroduced
We used to have around 1500+ articles... but during one of our updates, we decided to scrap and focus on other things, becoming more detailed in other areas.
With renewed interest, we are now slowly reintroducing some of the old archives, sifting through old articles, deleting most, but re-including those items that are still interesting enough to read today.
- 2014
- 2005 - 2013 (todo)
- 2004 (
221> 113) - 2003 (
585> 165) - 2002 (
28> 18) - 2001 (4)
- 2000 (3)