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“ Collectibles reviews, either commercial or personal by the fans. This section will have lots more videos added in the future. ”

Are you a fan that wants to contribute? Then send it in!

Terminator collectible videos

Collectibles videos

Main info

All linked videos are zipped. Where possible, more formats are made available.
Click your preferred format, download, unzip and watch!

Big stuff

Presentations of big collectibles, either for commercial or personal markets.

T2 Pinball Presentation

T2 Pinball Presentation video
AVI - -


Cool collectibles become even cooler with them presented in videos.

Sideshow Endo 1:4

Sideshow Endo 1:4 video
- MOV -

Host and share your stuff?!

Are you interested in hosting and sharing your files on Want to promote your own stuff for the enjoyment of interested fans and/or other parties? Then get into contact with the STAFF behind the Files! We'll help you promote your own products for sales or free sharing purposes, through this and other sections!

Or... got a personal/commercial project you are working on right this instance (or one from the past)? Then include it in our FanProjects section, with added images, videos, info or whatever else you want to include! Check here for more detailed info!

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Page last modified: August 12, 2011 | 11:46:18