Special Effects articles
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Where would these Terminator movies be, without the SFX used? Its a science fiction movie and the equivalent of sci-fi is special effects. Check out some of these interesting articles about the special effects behind the Terminator movies, made through special companies, in some cases started for the films only, only to move on to making effects for the next movie in line.
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SCC: New Determination for Season Two Mat Beck, Senior Visual Effects Supervisor at Entity FX, says that an important reference for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was the groundbreaking work that James Cameron pioneered for T2: Judgment Day. This article goes deeper into the realm of some of the SFX made for the FOX TV-show. > Check full article |
Stan Winston and the tricky business of Legacy The creature creators at Stan Winston Studio specialize in Hollywood miracles -- they brought dinosaurs to life for "Jurassic Park" and turned metal men into movie history with "Iron Man" and "The Terminator" -- but their next trick will be their toughest. The illustrious special-effects shop will try to hold on to its history even as it sheds its late founder's name and abandons his storied workshop. > Check full article |
Putting the word 'Special' in SFX, Zoic Studio on working for T:SCC Zoic Studio has gathered an array of accomplished artists and creators in all aspect of visual effects and remains at the top of their field and demand. As such, they draw the attention of major studios who want to bring Zoic's talent to their productions. And now they are working with FOX on the new Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles TV-series, putting the capital S in SFX! > Check full article |
The Sarah Connor Chronicles: A New TV Spin on Terminator The big question that faces this new incarnation is whether you can successfully take a billion dollar franchise, that over the course of its history literally changed the way Hollywood creates and features visual effects, and scale it down to the scope and budget of television? If you ask Jim Lima, the show's visual effects supervisor, the answer in unequivocally "Yes!" > Check full article |
When the Terminator stikes the special effects had better be good Since his father won an Oscar for his work on George Pal's The Time Machine, you could certainly say that Gene Warren Jr. grew up with special effects. In 1980 he opened Fantasy II, an effects production facility in Burbank which has done work on Man From Atlantis, Winds of War, Spacehunter, Gremlins and the teaser trailer for Dune seen last Christmas. > Check full article |
Eminent Domain - How Cameron changed the rules of digital cinema When he's freshly scrubbed and shaved, James Cameron looks like an accountant. His face is soft and plain, touched with none of the grandly memorable characteristics one expects to find in the visage of a great movie director. This could be why the filmmaker often wears a full beard; he certainly is not placid or typical and wouldn't want to fool anyone on that score. Indeed, though at first glance he appears as mild-mannered as Fred MacMurray, a closer look reveals a glint in the eye, a steely sharpness that cannot be misstaken. > Check full article |
Digital Deal: IBM gets credibility, Cameron gets $20 mil. The scene is pure Hollywood. At one of Beverly Hills's toniest hotels, journalists mill around as pasta in cream sauce and spicy chicken legs bubble in catering trays. Perched in a director's chair in black leather pants and a chartreuse jacket is IBM's Lucie Fjeldstad; beside her is the more casually dressed James Cameron, director of several blockbuster movies. > Check full article |