Papercrafted Terminator Universe
By: Jan Rükr
Main info
Papercraft is a method of crafting three-dimensional objects out of paper, similar to origami. Papercraft differs from origami in that the final product is usually made from patterns cut out from paper and held together with glue.
Since papercraft patterns can be easily printed and assembled, the internet has become a popular means of exchanging them. There are lots of new sources made available each day, some of which are truly out of this world. Then there are the papercrafted models made by Aliens fan Jan Rükr, which are even of a higher level.
He might be saying that he is underskilled or just a beginner himself througout his website, but we think his models are the best that can be found on the world wide web, nee, the universe! Of course we are somewhat influenced by the fact that Jan Rükr also makes cool papercrafted models related to the one thing we love on this site... and that are cool models from the Terminator universe.
Through the years people have searched for any and all means to build their own collectibles. Either for the fun of it all, but more importantly, solely due to the simple fact that bigger collectibles are a bit out of their means of spending. Sure... These new 1:1 busts look cool and very detailed, but are still ranging from $400.00 to $600.00 not to mention a 1:1 version of the Endoskeleton being sold for a staggering $5,000.00 to $6,000.00 (depending on shipping)!
So why not build it yourself? Thats right! Get some paper, glue, sticky tape and imagination and build your own version of your beloved characters. Thats exactly what Jan Rükr did... but this time bringing the art of papercraft into a whole new level.
Since a few years now he's primarly interested in modelling all kinds of things seen in the Aliens movies; the Emergency Escape Vehicles BD409 EEV and Narcissus, Terraforming station Hadley's Hope LV426, weapons like the M41-A Pulse Rifle, M56 Smart Gun and the UA571-C Sentry gun... and last but not least Ripley's Caterpillar P5000. He's also working out lots of other models which are still in its infancy stages of development.
Next to the Aliens Papercraft, he's also modelling outside the main theme of his site. What about some models of Tron, Planet of the Apes, models from PlayStation and WipeOut games, Star Trek, HotWheels vehicles, Judge Dredd... and you've guessed it by now... Terminator!
Jan Rükr explains...
"For 4 years there is a floating discussion thru ICQ and now Skype too, about papermodelling a Terminator in 1:1 scale!
The idea is great and I like it very much! I'm a big fan of the Terminator Endoskeleton. But in the realization of it all
are standing several things: time constraints, limited modelling capabilities of my AutoCad 2000 and many other projects
I started on and want to finish."
"However... The Terminator T-800 is like a thin red line in all those 'paper-events'. Thanx to Roman -alias 'Killer 22'- I've returned to this theme. The first thing from the Terminator world I build is a small CPU, in 1:1 scale. Next up are 1:1 scaled Endoskeleton head, arm, phased plasma rifles... and as mentioned before, a full 1:1 scale Terminator Endoskeleton body.
"I'm very happy to provide this all for free for all fans of the saga. As soon as they are finished they will also be featured on the wonderfull fanportal. Enjoy these models of the Terminator series and get ready for some more stuff coming from me and other papermodellers in the community".
Check below for some images and videos of the different models progress, download, print and start building!
- Terminator CPU
- Phased Plasma Rifle
- Endoskeleton head (to be announced)
- Endoskeleton arm (to be announced)
- Endoskeleton full 1:1 !!! (to be announced)
Terminator CPU
"I've build this papercraft model in two versions of cpu and two versions of details, all depending on the level of
detailing or level of experience of the modelers themselfs. Theres a broken version from the original The Terminator
and a complete version as seen in the Terminator 2: Judgement Day available, both in simple or advanced detailing.
That means 4 models!"
"Making the 3D model was easy work. All four versions were done in one afternoon. The texturing of the models took me two days. Level of laboriousness is 1/5 for easy versions and 3/5 for hard versions, especially for the level of details that goes into the small parts. The chip itself is 5,5 cm in lenght."
Phased plasma rifle
"This whole project started with T-800 CPU release. There was some rumor that the CPU is a little piece from Terminator saga. In our country it has a pretty nickname ...the chocolate. There are lots of things to build, the 1:1 scale Skeleton is still waiting ;). Who knows when it will be finished. So, how about that fine phased plasma rifle that the Endoskeletons are holding?! Why not. I like it too."
"The 3D model in AutoCad 2000 and rendered in 3D Studio Max 5, took me several late nights, over a period of several weeks. Not fulltime, but just during all the other things I'm building. Unfolding the 3D model was easy. The textures however were the bigest problem; the visual materials of any of the phased plasme rifles differs on lots of sources. The movie itself doesn't show special features, however few details are visible."
"I've searched on the internet for more reference material. It turns out that prop makers are building their
Endos by their own ideas. The result is, that you can find more than 15 types of phased plasma rifles on
the internet. So, what's the next step?. The best details are visible on the Sideshow Collectibles prop,
but I disliked the rear part (where is the magazine is mounted). I've borrowed these details from another
prop by Cinemaquette, who made a better reference that suits the phased plasma rifle better."
"The final version of the texture looks very chipped. Everything mixed together makes up for a really nice usefull texture. Also, the two colored version looks pretty cool. The prototype looked so fine, that it has become the final version of the phased plasma rifle. It even features a display stand."
"The entire model with display stand has 125 parts. The stand itself has 5 parts only. The level of laboriousness is 3/5. There is nothing that hard in the model. The parts are concepted as blocks, so the model is more durable and can't be twisted (though paper will always be fragile). The building plans of the phases plasma rifle are made available in a seperate PDF document, which is featured in the download."
"I've glued my model in 10 days. With no extra hurry. I hope that yours will have the same result ;)."
Check out some images from this FanProject.
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