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“ I need your clothes, your boots, your motorcycle and some extra goodies. What's a site without additions to your computer environment?! ”

Thats why we have 'Files' in our TerminatorFiles name ;)

Terminator Goodies


Main info

Since there are a lot of cool downloads available on lots of other Terminator related sites, our choice was to try to provide you the best available or possibly make some of them exclusive. There's really no sence in providing the same as many other site out there do.

Though we've always predicated that "We've got detailed files!", the contents of these sections is (still) somewhat limited. But there is a reason for that; we strive to provide you the best available Terminator goodies. For instance there are lots of old 'pixelated' Terminator screensavers available (approx. 32), but our site only features one: the Official T2 screensaver which changes your desktop to the view of the T800 Terminator. Since that one is the best in the total available (or at least that is what we think), it's thus the only one available.

Over time each section got bigger. Check out for yourself, by checking them out below or in the left menu.

Commercial and free 3D models

Trying to provide lots of different stuff... we wondered about the fact if some fans were as much involved in 3D stuff like some of our STAFFmembers are. Well. Never mind. We are linking towards some of the best 3D stuff available... all Terminator related!

Applications and programs

Roaming the net for cool programs and/or applets that have to do with the Terminator Saga... we came across some cool items. The best are placed on this page. Some are still being reviewed, developed or even posted when we can't make it work. Be sure to check in once in a while!

Terminator related design elements

Designing something that has to do with the Terminator? Then use these textures, graphics, logos, scripts, photoshop layered files and many other Terminator related designer elements. Got something special to share, then be sure to contact us!

Wallpapers for your desktop

We've made some cool desktops available. Most are related to the Terminator Endoskeleton (still our favourite ;). We have TerminatorFiles related desktops, but also all official desktops released for any of the Terminator saga related movies, TV-series and other media. Check it out!

Iconic Terminator icons

Need that special Terminator related icon during a instant messaging chat? Or want to use your own special icon on message boards or your website? Then check out these Terminator emoticons!


In general we ain't got the time to let the computer run a screensaver; we're to busy with updating our site :). But for all those interested in enhancing their computer environment... this page has some of the best screensavers we found on the net.

Skins for programs and games

There are a lot of skinable programs now-a-days. There are even special programs available to enhance your total screen environment with an entire skin (i.e. WindowsBlinds). On this page we have collected all our (and your) favourite skins!

Host and share your stuff?!

Are you interested in hosting and sharing your files on Want to promote your own stuff for the enjoyment of interested fans and/or other parties? Then get into contact with the STAFF behind the Files! We'll help you promote your own products for sales or free sharing purposes, through this and other sections!

Or... got a personal/commercial project you are working on right this instance (or one from the past)? Then include it in our FanProjects section, with added images, videos, info or whatever else you want to include! Check here for more detailed info!

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Page last modified: August 12, 2011 | 11:40:26