Filming locations
Main info
Below is a compiled list of locations where the cast and crew have filmed several scenes for this Terminator 2: Judgment Day movie.
- Bayside Parkway & Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, USA (Cyberdyne, exterior)
- 6th Street Bridge, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Bridge, Intersection of Hayvenhurst and Plummer, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California, USA (truck jump scene)
- El Mirage Dry Lake, San Bernardino County, California, USA
- Elysian Park, Los Angeles, California, USA (Nuclear nightmare scenes)
- Fontana, California, USA (steel mill scene)
- Fremont, California, USA
- Lakeview Terrace Medical Center, Lakeview Terrace, Los Angeles, California, USA (Pescadero State Hospital, parking lot, biker bar scenes)
- Lancaster, California, USA
- Long Beach, California, USA
- Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden - 301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, California, USA
- Los Angeles, California, USA
- Malibu, California, USA (Dyson home)
- Northridge Fashion Mall - 9301 Tampa Avenue, Northridge, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Reseda, Los Angeles, California, USA (ATM scene)
- San Jose, California, USA
- Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
- Santa Monica Place - 4th Street & Broadway, Santa Monica, California, USA
- Sherman Oaks Galleria - 15301 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Sun Valley, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Terminal Island Freeway, Wilmington, Los Angeles, California, USA (helicopter/tanker chase)
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